Avg $/sqft 761.98 |
Built 2000 |
Avg Strata Fees 0.38 |
Total Levels 17 |
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Manaco At The Palms - 7080 St Albans Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 1N4, strata plan LMS4084 was built by Bosa Ventures in 2000. This complex features 346 units with 113 condo units and 3 townhouse units at 7080 St Albans, 10 townhouse units at 7088 St Albans, 19 townhouse units at 8433 Bennett Rd, 99 condo units at 8460 Granville, 97 condo units at 8480 Granville, 6 commercial units at 8400 Granville and 7000 St Albans. The Maintenance fee includes management, caretaker, garbage pickup, gardening, gas, hotwater and recreation facilities. Amenities include - lounge, party room, media room, gym, hot tub?. Walking distance to General Currie Elementary School, Academy of Learning. Close to transit, Richmond Centre, Lansdowne Centre, Brighouse park, City Centre Community centre, swimming pool, ice rink, Richmond Public Library, Richmond Public Market, restaurants, and the Canada Line.
Crossroads are Granville Avenue and No.3 Road
There is no properties listed in this building.